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The Student News Site of Montgomery College

the advocate

The Student News Site of Montgomery College

the advocate

The Student News Site of Montgomery College

the advocate

Throwback Thursday: DC Liquor Laws Just Won't Work

Throwback Thursday: DC Liquor Laws Just Won’t Work

Jake Berry, Staff Writer October 12, 2017

n 1984, Congress passed the National Minimum Drinking Age Act, requiring states to raise their drinking age to 21 by October of 1986. Funnily enough, a former writer for the Advocate, Ward Smalley, wrote...

This image is not from the article below, but is from one of the same year titled "Record Party on April 14th Promises Novel Entertainment".

Party Over Here!

Priscille Diwa, Staff Writer September 21, 2017

Tracks Night club was THEE place to be for college students. This article, written in 1951, recounts the good times college students had back in the day. Although it's closed now, back then it was one...

Muslim Association Pres. Reacts

Muslim Association Pres. Reacts

Jake Berry, Staff Writer September 14, 2017

This week marks the sixteenth anniversary of a national catastrophe: the incident known simply as 9/11. And sixteen years later, the American public continues to bombard the American-Muslim population...

Throwback Thursday: Colored Museum Exhibition

Throwback Thursday: Colored Museum Exhibition

Priscille Diwa February 24, 2017

Black History Month is coming to an end, and usually it is focused on the brave people who took a stand for social justice and imprinted their names in history. However, there are times when the limelight...

Throwback Thursday: Spring Break Suggestions

Throwback Thursday: Spring Break Suggestions

Priscille Diwa February 16, 2017

Man, has our world changed. Not only in what we see today on the news but also where students have thought of spending their spring break. I've always thought that college students went to wild and exotic...

Throwback Thursday: The People Have Decided

Throwback Thursday: The People Have Decided

Madison Aument November 10, 2016

  After the end of this long election season, America must now reflect on it's candidates and the people who will take office in January. Both presidential candidates took insurmountable amounts...

Originally written by Eric Cooper and Michelle Parsky

Throwback Thursday: What’s So Great about Montgomery College? What’s Not So Great about Montgomery College?

Sara Monterroso October 6, 2016

What's not so great about Montogmery College? By Eric Copper Montgomery College is anything but a great learning environment. Faculty at Montgomery College is in need of reform. The students...

Originally written by Malaurie Barber, Editor-in-chief if the Spur (the Advocate in 1997

Throwback Thursday: An Interview with Clint Eastwood

Sara Monterroso September 22, 2016

Midnight in the Garden of Evil is produced and directed by Clint Eastwood. This film is an adaptation of John Berend's best-selling novel about a murder trial which takes place in Savannah, Georgia....

Throwback Thursday:Does Working Kill Your GPA?

Throwback Thursday:Does Working Kill Your GPA?

Sara Monterroso September 15, 2016

As one of the many students working part-time and putting themselves through school, it's almost comforting to hear that even back in 1987 that students at MC faced the same tribulations as present...

Throwback Thursday: Horrific!!! The Terrorist Attack on America

Throwback Thursday: Horrific!!! The Terrorist Attack on America

September 12, 2016

Yesterday, our nation grieved for lives that were lost 15 years ago on September 11th. Recounting that tragic day 15 years ago, when I was just a mere child at 4 years old, all I can remember was panic....

March 9 1951, Student Life at MC

Throwback Thursday: Men’s Smoker Success

April 7, 2016

Student Life organizes trips to the museums or educational etiquette dinner or dodgeball tournaments, but in 1951 smoking cigars, watching a wrestling demonstration and playing cards was an activity of...

Throwback Thursday: Students Speak Out on Cafeteria Service

Throwback Thursday: Students Speak Out on Cafeteria Service

March 31, 2016

  By Alicia Knight A crowd gathers here at midday, Monday through Friday, filing past the counters of sandwiches, soups, salads and steam tables filled with hot entrees of the day. Some stop only...

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