Student Life organizes trips to the museums or educational etiquette dinner or dodgeball tournaments, but in 1951 smoking cigars, watching a wrestling demonstration and playing cards was an activity of choice that MC hosted.

The first annual Men’s Smoker was held in the M.J.C. Cafeteria on Tuesday, February 27, at 7:30 p.m. According to Hugh C. Price, Dean, this smoker was an experiment and financed by the Dean.
Cigars were distrubuted to the men. A television set was placed in the Cafeteria. Cards were played.
A demonstration of wrestling and ‘rassling was given by members of the University of Maryland’s wrestling team. Refreshments were served, during which time Ed Hill, Don Corrick, and Harry Huffer, Alumni of M.J.C., spoke on the relationship between the work here and the last two years of college.