Men’s Soccer defeats Chespeake College Skipjacks in a 10-0 blowout.

What better way to kick off October than with a home soccer game? Men’s soccer has started October off with yet another win! This time it was the Chesapeake College Skipjacks that fell prey to the Raptors’ tight knit team of extraordinary athletes. The final score was 10-0 Raptors.
The communication between the men on the field is outstanding. This was a huge contributing factor to the speedy advance the team took in the first half of the game. 15 minutes into the game, MC had already secured a comfortable three goal lead. The Raptors finished the first half strong at 7-0.

Leading the scoring is freshman Gabriel Ndiaye, 11. Ndiaye scored half of the total goals for the game and was assisted by sophomore Ricardo Vigil, 19, and freshman Javier Nieto, 20. This victory was a team effort and they could not have done it without their commitment to each other.
When asked about his one regret for this game, Ndiaye responded by saying how much he wished he had more goals. This idea was echoed by other players such as sophomore Yaw Bediako, 15. Bediako said, “ I’m happy. We always try to work hard, we can do better.”
The Men’s soccer team has high hopes that they can snag a coveted national title. With their current work ethic and passion they are setting themselves up for success. It’s going to take all 25 of them to make it to nationals, not to mention their support and coaches. Be sure to catch their next home game on Tuesday, Oct. 8 at 4:00pm sharp. Come out and cheer them on to victory.