MC Announces Changes To Spring 2021 Class Schedule

The College Will Offer More 7-Week Remote Courses Than 15-Week Courses

MC is changing the way it offers classes.

Keidy Lopez and Jacqueline Nanas

This summer, MC announced a huge shift in the way it will offer courses. Starting in spring 2021 MC plans to decrease fifteen-week offerings and primarily deliver instruction in seven-week courses. The decision comes after summer enrollment trends indicated that shorter remote classes are more attractive to students in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. The school says the 7-week classes offer more flexibility for scheduling around work and family needs. The spring semester will be broken up into two, seven-week sessions. President of Montgomery College, Dr. DeRionne Pollard, has sent out numerous emails and updates about the proposed plans.

Traditionally, 70% of the courses are taught in the 15-week or 13-week format. Only 30% are 7-week accelerated, half-semester courses. According to Professor Harry Zarin, Counselor and President of the Faculty Union, the administration is ‘Deciding that with the expected decline in enrollment, it is better to switch it and do 70% accelerated 7-week courses, and only 30% of 15-week courses.” The administrators believe these changes will help increase enrollment.

The plan has been changing and updating. According to Mike LeBlanc, a Professor of English and the Vice President of the faculty union, “This is an experimental phase.” The administrators will use the data and trends of student enrollment in the spring semester to finalize a decision and choose a path that benefits students and staff.

Originally, when the idea was first introduced, MC leadership proposed that all classes be held in the 7-week format. Professor Ellen Olmstead, A Department Chair and Professor at MC said, the English department created and signed a petition against the idea. The administrators listened to the opinions of the staff and changed the plan.

MC sophomore, Victor Lopez doesn’t think the plan is that beneficial, “The college should reconsider the proposed plan,” he says, “because it isn’t appealing to Montgomery College students and staff.”

These changes to the spring semester will be a big jump, not only for Montgomery College students , but for the Early College students as well. Montgomery College Early College student Matthew Nanas, doesn’t believe it will better his performance in class, “Due to the lack of time, I won’t be able to go over material.”

As we learn more about the changes to the spring semester, it seems that the administrators’ primary focus is increasing the enrollment rate. Sticking with the traditional format seems more appealing to students and staff to reduce stress, improve the learning environment, and take care of mental health.

As students, voicing your opinion is crucial. Let us know what you think of the proposed changes by emailing us at or contacting us on twitter or InstaGram.