Tips for Acing Finals

December 9, 2015
Finals are right around the corner. Here are some tips on how to ace your finals!
Make yourself a study schedule
Schedule study time for each of your courses in preparation for final exams. Study a little bit each day rather than cramming the night before. Consider buying a planner, if you don’t already own one. You can also find schedule templates online! There are free printable schedule templates at
Don’t be afraid to ask your professor questions
If you’re studying and are faced with a confusing topic, you can always ask your professor for help. Professors have to deal with several students everyday, so have your questions ready to ask. Ask specific questions! A professor will not tell you everything that happened in World War I. This is why it is also important to study with a sufficient amount of time left before your exam. Professors will be less likely to answer your question 10 minutes before your exam begins.
Create your own study guides
For an English exam, go over your syllabus. Create summaries of books you’ve read. Gather up old quizzes. If you’re writing an essay as your final, it wouldn’t hurt to look at previous essays and seek areas where you need the most improvement.
For a history exam, flashcards are your best friends! Write down dates, key words, key historical figures and locations. You can easily carry them around with you– the easy mobility will encourage you to study wherever and whenever.
For a math exam, practice makes perfect. Create a practice exam for yourself that covers all topics you’ve been over this semester.
Don’t study where you sleep
Your bed is a place to rest and relax. You will feel more inclined to do more work if you are sitting at a desk or table. Studying in bed can cause strain to your back and neck. You also might find yourself drifting away. One minute you’re studying, the next minute you’re waking up from a two-hour nap.
You can’t study without breaks or snacks
According to Dr. Rick Nauret, taking breaks found to improve attention.
“The study zeroes in on a phenomenon known to anyone who’s ever had trouble doing the same task for a long time: after a while, you begin to lose your focus and your performance on the task declines,” said Nauret.
I recommend for every 45 minutes you study, take a 10 minutes break. You can also set small goals for yourself. Reward yourself with a break for completing those goals.
It’s also important to eat while you study. But, by no means should you eat any junk foodYou need filling and energizing snacks to keep you focused. Buzzfeed has an incredible list of study snacks that are easy to make. Healthy snacks like apple sandwiches and yogurt covered blueberries.
Remove all possible distractions
If you are easily distracted by your phone, it would be best to set it aside while you’re studying. If you are able to study with music, feel free to do so. But, studying with absolutely no distractions is highly recommended.
Consider a study group session
Ask fellow classmates to start a study group. Rather than asking your professor to clarify things for you, your peers can be a great resource to clear up the confusion. You can make a reservation on the 3rd floor of Macklin Tower, where study sessions take place.
Most of all, remember to relax. If you have studied diligently, be confident that you will pass your exams. Good luck!