Designs for the Rockville campus’ new student services center is schematically planned and ready for construction, according to Montgomery College officials.
Sandra Lee Filippi, campus planner, said the building will be the new home for the student “intake” functions at Montgomery College. “The new student services center will provide a ‘one stop shop’ for admissions, financial aid, counseling, cashier, welcome center, etc,” said Filippi.
Details of the project will be further explained at the area meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 24, at 7:30 p.m. in the science center.
According to Filippi, the building will be constructed on the west end of “Lot 4” next to the technical center.
“There will be a loss of parking [spaces] in “Lot 4.” The construction of the new north garage will provide additional parking for the campus and make up for the loss of parking,” said Filippi.
Filippi also said the old student services building will be demolished once the new one is open, and in its place will be a part of the “green mall,” which will be the landscaped lawn between the science center and the new student services center.
MC does have legislative support for the new building, and the money for the planned construction has been appropriated by the state and Montgomery County.
“The money is available over two fiscal years,” Filippi said.
The general contractor hired for the construction of the building will be decided on next year.