Montgomery College is not planning to add extra days to the semester, despite the numerous weather related closings.
MC has had many class cancellations this spring semester, which includes three closings, one early dismissal, and three delays, totaling seven days that students could’ve missed classes.
When handling closings, delays, or early dismissals at the college, the decision is made by the Senior Vice President for Administrative and Fiscal services, Janet Wormack.
When making the decision on closing the college there are many factors that are considered before deciding, Wormack said.
“Our decisions are based on hurricanes, heavy snows, adverse road conditions, temporary failure of utilities, [and] life safety considerations.
Dr. Michelle Moran, a history professor at MC, states that the closings have pushed back numerous assignments and quizzes, but before the semester begins she makes sure that the syllabus is constructed so there is an extra day, in case of any class cancellations.
However, when there are two or more closings it becomes trickier to adjust the schedule, Moran said.
The college cannot add extra class days to the semester, but in the event of a major crisis, spring break days could be taken away.
Unlike Montgomery County Public Schools basing their academic year on a set number of instructional days, Colleges and Universities typically base their academic year on credit hours.
“I think that college is different than grammar school, in that it’s an adult population and students are expected to keep up with their work on their own” Moran said.
Wormack states that when classes start to fall behind, faculty is expected to adjust their schedules and accommodate students.