Dear MC Advocate editor,
I am writing to you because I wanted to tell the student populace about my unconventional extracurricular work. I am a SafeSite volunteer for the Great American Condom campaign (GACC), a project of Advocates for Youth. You’re probably asking, what does that even mean? That means that this semester GACC mailed me 500 condoms and tasked me with the job of distributing them on campus to MC students. Yes, I am that tiny woman you may have seen around campus, carrying a fishbowl full of condoms, or even posting up coupons for discount Trojan coupons.
People ask me why I do this, and I answer with the facts: According to studies done by advocatesforyouth.org, Everyday, almost 25,000 young people age 15-24 get a sexually transmitted disease. In addition, more than 80% of those youth have had sex by age 20. Condoms have been proven to be the most effective way to prevent STD’s.
Helping my peers stay protected from STD’s and unintended pregnancy is an important job, and I am happy to do my part.
Rory Beckett
Elizabeth • Apr 22, 2014 at 4:48 pm
I think it would be interesting to offer students more information on the importance of sexual abstinence and encouraging healthy, monogamous relationships, which are very safe, effective ways to prevent STD’s. Even condoms can break or be painful to women like me who are very sensitive to plastic and latex.
Mary • Nov 12, 2013 at 7:54 pm
Thank you for your efforts to save lifes!
Ben Holmes • Nov 2, 2013 at 2:33 pm
Though we do indeed appreciate you reading the article, I myself am not understanding how you think that number is so impossible, nor am I sure why you view the statistic as a “fear-mongering lie”
As you can see in the link attached to the text, if you had clicked on it, Rory Beckett (Ms. Rory Beckett) clearly states that the information is according to research done by Advocatesforyouth.org, and not findings from her personally.
If you question the numbers (which seem validated if one considers how much sexual intercourse is had per day in this country alone), I suggest you also send one of these accusations of “fear-mongering lies” to the aforementioned website, instead. The statistic you did not appreciate came from their research.
Again, thank you for your diligence and interest in our articles.
-Ben Holmes, EIC
Preston L • Nov 1, 2013 at 10:59 pm
Check your statistics, Mr. Beckett – 20,000 infections per day is both impossible and completely outlandish. I agree with your point, however, I’d appreciate a more accurate statistic not some fear-mongering lies. Thanks much.