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All Photographs courtesy of: Pete Vidal
Did You Know?
-1 out of every 10 people admitted to a hospital need a blood transfusion.
-Montgomery College’s Blood Drives, on average, collect 30 units of blood, which is approximately enough to save the lives of 10 people.
Montgomery College won “Best College of 2012-2013” in recognition for having the most donations in the Greater Chesapeake and Potomac Blood Region, the greater Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia and southern Pennsylvania area – a region with over 50 participating colleges. The ranking award given to MC was certainly one to be proud of for both administration and the student body alike.
Over the past decade, Montgomery College Rockville’s Office of Student Life has acted as a liaison for the American Red Cross’ mobile Blood Drive Program. MC students have always come out in large numbers to donate blood. This past year, MC saw a 30% increase in the number of donations from last year thanks to efforts on the parts of professors, club leaders, and students to promote the event. The emerging First Year Experience ambassador mentor-ship program played an integral role in raising awareness and donations among first year students.
Julia Junghans, who has donated blood the past two years, said, “I think donating blood is important because it saves lives and because there are many people who do not like to or cannot donate blood, so I feel that it is my duty to give because I can and I am able to.” And after being asked if she noticed the increase in participants, she stated, “It was remarkable to see so many students doing their part and stepping up to the plate.”
Montgomery College’s Rockville campus hosts eight days of blood drives each academic year; make sure to check out the college’s website to preregister for the next drive in the spring.