(Advocate Surgeon General’s warning: please consult your physician and/or dentist before using hydrogen peroxide for tooth whitening)
“Use hydrogen peroxide on your teeth.” I heard from my aunt. She saw on Pinterest (a website where users share interesting photos, ideas, and tips) that hydrogen peroxide actually whitens teeth.
Now, I’m a stickler for just about everything–I strive for perfection in everything I do. And my smile is no different. Sure, there are $75 whitening strips you could buy, along with the $7 toothpaste, and you might as well throw in some mouthwash for $5 to top it off. Although math has never been my forte, I can tell that this is a pricey solution, running upwards of $90 for pearly whites. Admittedly, all these products do work, but let’s face it, spending that much on white teeth is a hassle.
Hydrogen peroxide is nothing short of a wonder solution. It’s cheap, it’s fast, and it works. With a 16-fluid-ounce bottle running just $0.59, it doesn’t take a math wiz to recognize the deal of the century. Using it is simple: the mix is one part water with one part hydrogen peroxide, and use it like mouthwash twice a day.
At first, the thought of a cleaning solution on my teeth seemed like a crazy idea–I honestly could not believe it at first. And after much persuading, I finally caved and started using the solution every night. After a week, my teeth had significantly and drastically changed in shade. I was pleasantly surprised that something so inexpensive could make such an impact.
For all the non-science majors, hydrogen peroxide is a combination of hydrogen and oxygen. The compound is H2O2, and it is the simplest of peroxide. It looks almost like water but works like magic. Aside from whitening teeth, hydrogen peroxide can be used to heal wounds, clear up acne, and, for all the messy eaters, it will help get those pesky stains out of clothing. After a long weekend, putting half a cup of hydrogen peroxide in a hot bath will also help get rid of all those toxins built up in your body throughout the week.
The one downside is that hydrogen peroxide is an acid. As such, people with sensitive gums may experience swollen or inflamed gums when using it on their teeth.
With its many uses, including a cheap but brighter smile, there will be no need to feel insecure. With the cost of tuition, books, and rent, a white smile shouldn’t be another drain on the bank account. Use this tip and everyone will be wondering how you got that white smile.