Rock ‘N’ Roll Revival is no Longer Viable

COVID-19 Cancels Sherwood High School’s Rock ‘N’ Roll Revival

Sherwood High School’s Music Department.

This is a poster for the 49th Annual Sherwood HS Rock ‘N’ Roll Event and the dates it would have taken place on.

Emma Shuster, Staff Writer

Sherwood High School’s Rock ‘N’ Roll Revival ended early for the first time in 49 years. The show occurs the first two weekends of March, as students perform songs dating back to the 1940s.

​The show will not be rescheduled. The cast was able to perform the first weekend. However, the second weekend was cancelled after Governor Larry Hogan announced a two-week closure of Maryland public schools and banned events larger than 250 people.

​The show has never before ended early.
​Former Sherwood student and current Montgomery College student, Chloe Oser, feels sad about the cancellation and remembers her four years in the show fondly.

“If I were a senior this year, I would have been so sad. The show had a major impact on me.  It definitely made me more social and provided me with a new level of confidence,” Oser said.

Director Michael Maddox sent an email to ticket holders. Maddox explained, since the show stands as a nonprofit production, no refunds can be issued. Ticket prices go towards equipment pieces, contractors, and other production costs. All have been paid.

Maddox said he was grateful for the community support, but, “If we refunded all of this weekend’s ticket holders, next year’s Rock ‘n’ Roll #50 would be shut down and the future of the entire tradition would be ruined.”

He hopes that people will consider lost tickets as donations to the music program.​
“Hopefully, next year’s show should not be impacted at all. We can’t know for sure whether the coronavirus situation will have a long-term impact on our ability to hold performances or large-group gatherings in 2021, but financially, we are ok for our 50th show next year,” Maddox said.

Sherwood High School Senior Jamie Connors feels sad about the show’s early ending.
“I never got a chance for my last dance, one last time singing, one last opening number, a final bow, senior speeches, a senior song, to put my handprints on the wall, or to thank and hug the directors one last time,” Connors said.

The show stands as a major part of the Sherwood Community, as it intends to bring several people together. In previous years, people put their weekends on hold for this event.

​During his March 25 press conference, Hogan announced the closure of Maryland public schools until April 24.

“All school events, athletic competitions, field trips, were cancelled. This decision was communicated to MCPS families in several messages,” Montgomery County Public Schools Public Information Officer Gboyinde Onijala said.

In past years, songs hold significance with the audience. They bring back memories, whether it is a wedding song, a childhood song, or one that reminds them of a loved one. Through the singers, dancers, costumes, and stage, the show allows the revival of songs.

The cancellation has impacted both students and the community. Connors said people fly into town to watch the performers and hear something they sang in high school. “When a show has been going on for 49 years and sells out every night, you know there is something truly special about it,” Connors said.​

“I would describe my time in Rock ‘N’ Roll as life-changing,” Sherwood Senior Bailey Doerrman said. She will be attending Montgomery College this fall and plans to continue performing. She might major in theatre. “I’ve been performing since my second grade drama class and could not imagine my life without it,” Doerrman said