Fear and Hope in Strange Political Waters

Isabel Rockwood

Donna Brazile. (Photo by Isabel Rockwood)

The Associated Collegiate Press held a four-day conference in D.C. and invited Donna Brazile to speak at the ACP to commence the beginning of the event. Donna Brazile has worked in politics for over thirty years, working on several presidential campaigns including Jesse Jackson’s, has been the Chairwoman of the DNC twice, and is the first African-American to direct a major presidential campaign.

Donna Brazile began the speech stating that her interest in politics started at a very young age—influencing her to later join her college newspaper, where she wrote about every pressing issue occurring at the time. She said it was this tenure in knowledge over politics that helped build her future in the political sphere.

Brazile was most vocal about the presidential election, particularly on how she feels about Donald Trump. She has great contempt for the comments Trump made about how he wouldn’t accept the election results should he lose.

She immediately acknowledged the Democratic Party’s own downfalls, “Are we perfect? Oh–hell–no.” However, she is proud of her party’s tolerance and respect toward others. Her disdain for Trump’s antagonistic behaviors littered her speech.

Brazile is astounded by the Republicans in Congress who refuse to even give Merrick Garland a hearing to fill the position on the Supreme Court, “That is remarkable.”

She points out how he is one of the highest regarded individuals from both sides to fill the position, but simply from the sheer dislike for President Obama, the Republicans refuse to consider him. The stubbornness of Congress wasn’t the end of her qualms- she’s also dismayed and wonders, “Why have we given up all our power to people who don’t care about our moods or our values?”

Brazile holds millennials in high regard, which is summed up by her opening statement, “I like y’all.” She discussed her confidence in our abilities as a generation to uphold and make the world better for not only ourselves but for future generations as well. Her speech was followed by an open forum to ask questions which she answered with as much, if not more, charisma than her speech.