The student activity center was packed with enthusiastic students on a cloudy Friday afternoon. You can hear conversation overlapping each other as students munch on pizza and popcorn. Anime club president Kevin Stuckenschneider walks up to the front of the room with a kind smile on his face.
He first shares his appreciation for people attending and ask people to introduce themselves with the following questions; first name, first anime they’ve watched, current favorite anime, and lastly, tell something interesting about themselves. Many shared common interest such as a love of literature and art. Some were dressed as their favorite anime characters.
After introductions, members participated in a club game: pick up blue and red beads with chopsticks. Whoever had the most beads on another set of plates wins. It was an active activity that many participated in. People were competitive yet friendly as laughter and cheering filled the room.
When the game was over, people settled down with individual activities as groups started to form. Members played with decks of cards at one table, some played video games on another, a few bonded over Pokemon plush toys and artwork, while others simply sat and chatted as they watched the anime K-ON playing on the large screen.

Anime first made its debut in late 1917 and since then has developed and expanded over time, according to openculture.com. The club had members of all races, sexes, and age groups; a shining example of anime’s wide influence.
Dylan Noorel, a club member and contributor who helps organize club meetings, plans events, and brings snacks and refreshments for members said, “Otaku in Japanese means, like, a geek culture. It describes people who are into pop culture, like American super heroes, but it’s … an eastern perspective of that taken into Japanese animation and Japanese [cultural aspects] such as social, political, economics, and [its] overall … influences.”
Some members described anime to be an outlet during difficult periods.“My family, we were going through some tough times,” said club member, Amendina Adams, “so a friend of mine suggested I watch anime.”
“I love the Anime Club because there’s just a whole bunch of awesome, weird people that love the same things you do! You’re enthusiastic and you have people who give the same energy back! You love it,” said club member Jonathan Aguilar.
When entering the Anime Club, you’ll see people chatting, laughing, discussing anime’s and other interest, playing games, and more importantly, just coming together. And that’s what the Anime Club is all about.

Anyone who is interested in joining Anime Club can e-mail Kevin Stuckenschneider at [email protected], or attend meetings in the Student Activity Center, CC015, on Fridays at 1p.m.