Faculty members get bagels if they turn in their book selections for the next two semesters on time.
Bagels for Books is directed towards faculty, not students. This is the third year Montgomery College has participated in the program. On Oct 11, textbook selections for the Winter and Spring 2014 semesters are due. This means the books for these semesters must be chosen in advance. Likewise, Apr 11, 2014 is the due date for the Summer and Fall 2014 textbook selections. If every faculty member of one academic department has turned in their book recommendations for the Winter and Spring semesters by the due date, the whole department receives bagels. It is done as an incentive for the professors because even teachers procrastinate at times. Purchasing Manager Brooke Higdon says, “They are not literally books, but they are literally bagels!”
Since this event is for faculty members, why does this concern students? The earlier the book selections get sent in the more time the school has to find the cheapest textbooks for the students. This can save students money which is very important when textbooks cost so much. Higdon has been at Montgomery College for four years, previously, he had worked in bookstores. While working in the Campus Center bookstore a student told him that they had to drop a class because they couldn’t afford all the textbooks along with paying for classes. No student should have to choose between buying a textbook or taking a class. That’s what makes Bagels for Books so important. It allows the students to get the best prices on the books they need