Anticipation spread across the bleachers of the gym like wildfire as the crowd prepared to meet the new mascot for Montgomery College. HOT 99.5 kept the emotions amped and the energy alive with wild music, drawing the crowd in even more with giveaways and raffles. Everyone was dying to know, “What is this raptor? How will it look?” There was no doubt that the public was ready to accept this new symbol of MC.
Students were drawn in by the attention that the basketball game got and decided to stick around and watch the unveiling. MC student Genesis Pinedo was not aware of the unveiling ceremony but seemed to approve of the colors and the animal, “I had no idea we were getting a new mascot. It’s a raptor, right? It’s purple? That’s awesome!”

Some credit for the energy during this event goes to the appearance of the radio station HOT 99.5. Two of the DJ’s , Isabelle Kerby and Bianca Hood, are both students at Montgomery College as well as interns at the radio station. Kerby explains that the station asked them what was going on at MC. She said, “Well, they came to us with it. First off, our station is right down the road from here, and MC is a really big fan base for them because I know almost all young people in our age group are listening to HOT 99.5. So it was a no-brainer because clearly, as you can see, people loved us being here, we loved being here.” Hoods claimed this to be one of the best events that she has attended as an intern, “It was definitely the [liveliest] event that I have ever been to.”

President of the college, Dr. DeRionne P. Pollard, is pleased with the energy of the students. She finds the new mascot a perfect depiction of Montgomery College’s character. She said, “Hey, we are birds of prey. I have to tell you, when you see it, there [will be] no doubt that this is not a dinosaur, there is no doubt that this is not just a little birdie. It is a bird of prey and it is serious. So I’m excited about it.”
Pollard also emphasized the unity and connection that this mascot brought to the students. She said, “One of the things I know for sure is that as soon as they [the students] are connected to college, it may feel that the college is connected to them, and that’s what this is about. It’s about being one college; it’s about having a symbol that represents us and it’s about celebrating the total student experience.”
Student Senate member Carlos Mejia, shares Pollard’s enthusiasm and excitement for the unity among the students and campuses, “With the new unification of all the colleges, I think it’s a great depiction, fierce, getting the prey, you know, bringing the community together.”
The new athletics logo was uncovered and the mascot crept out from behind the dark curtains to receive the loud applause and cheering from the students. From the steam machines to the dimmed lights, every detail played a vital role in making the mascot’s first appearance energetic and loud.”

Soccer player Koami Alodjinou, praises the presentation, “I think it’s pretty cool. I liked the introduction and it’s a cool mascot. I think it’s a positive energy. Everybody liked it, we were down on the floor, everybody was excited to see it, and he did his thing. I enjoyed it myself.”
Despite being a little intimidated by the bird, track runner Mahagony Dais appreciated how everything was put together for the arrival of the mascot, “Even though I’m afraid of mascots, it’s pretty cool. The entrance was everything.”
Another track team member, Khelsea Hutchenson, agrees that the entrance played its part and that the bird itself gave a fierce impression, “It was pretty hyped up, it made us feel alive. The actual stance of the bird in the picture, it looks like it’s attacking, and I guess that’s the view that they’re trying to get across [to everyone].”

The mascot will now give MC the official title as “The Home of the Raptors” at basketball games and other MC events.