Montgomery College updated MyMC after a long time of waiting, and student’s opinions are all over the place. After using the new MyMC, this is what students had to say about it.

“I never really thought about the old MyMC, I just used it,” said student Adrian Vermaaten. “I have to get used to it [the new MyMC]. Things are harder to find now, and other things are easier. For example if you are employed for the college you time entry is much easier because it is right on the front page. But other things are harder to find like your proof of payment.”

Some students did not mind the old MyMC. For example, MC student Milaika Grooms says she thought the old MyMC was a workable interface despite its cluttered nature.
The new MyMC, on the other hand, is more structured and therefore more workable. Ester Camilla agrees with this perspective saying everything is easier to find.
However, other students feel like it still not an improvement. MC sophomore Kevin Milton says that the new MyMC tries to oversimplify the layout and it is unattractive.
On the other hand, some students believe that the new MyMC is an improvement and much easier to use.
When MC Student Jesse Holland was asked about what he thought about the old MyMC he bluntly says, “It sucked. It was so hard to use and I hated it.”
He says that the new MyMC is awesome, but he does not understand why the teachers don’t like it very much. “I think it is much more helpful to see all the bars you need because the old one looked like something out of 2004 Microsoft Word.”