This month humanities professor, Katherine Smith, released her new anthology “Woman Alone on the Mountain.”
Professor Smith explained that writing is a process, one which required discipline if anything. “[It] takes a long time to write a book of poems, it’s a filtering process. Many moments sparked the right conditions. The end result however, is always worth it.”
To produce a book Smith must have a concrete goal in mind. As she works towards this goal, she formulates ideas that strengthen her topic along the way. She advises other potential writers to do the same.
As far as her background and what influenced her, she talked about her status as a single mother and how many of her experiences raising her daughter helped fuel some of her stories today.
“My daughter is my biggest inspiration,” Smith explained, which is why many of the book’s featured poems’ central theme is motherhood. The young daughter of Katherine Smith was previously an MC student, but now studies journalism at University of Maryland.
Meeting her artistic standards was not always the smooth process many upcoming writers seem to think it is. According to professor Smith, “it can be very difficult sometimes.”
Smith explained the frustration she felt when certain lines didn’t quite come together. “With a poem, I feel like everything must be perfect,” she described.
However, the difficulty did not stunt the professor’s abilities. She went on to explain the difference in one’s writing style when a writer has a passion, or when they are simply trying to complete an agenda.
“You cannot write without passion. Your words will show it, and your readers will pick up on it,” said Smith.
When asked if she had any suggestions for upcoming writers, she answered “First, you must do it for the love and not for the money.” She then went on to say “Find what inspires you, read a lot, and perhaps take a writing course.”
Following her suggestions to young writers, the instructor said, “be interested in what you have to say before you look at what others are saying.”
As far as future works go, Smith “would love to produce at least three more poetry books, and write a serious fiction novel.”
To novice writers out there: Smith says to remember “revision is good, there is always room for improvement, and the process of correction is the best part, as you can build on what wonderful ideas you already have.”
Professor Katherine Smith’s book, “Woman Alone on the Mountain” is now available for purchase, and can be found online at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or at your local bookstore.
Alex Gonzalez • Nov 25, 2014 at 11:04 am
Congratulations! I will look for it at the local big box or indie bookshop.