Ease Yourself Back Into the Semester!

Don’t Stress! You Got This!

  1. Make sure you have a good breakfast! This seems very self-explanatory because having a good breakfast gives you energy for the day!
  2. Before signing up for courses you want to take, make sure you really want to take it and have the time for it; you don’t want to end up dropping a class mid-way through the semester—it doesn’t look too good on your transcript. Don’t take more classes than you need to. If you work and go to school, chances are you can probably only afford to take up 2-4 classes, even if it is a part time gig, think wisely when you sign up for classes.
  3. Late start classes are very fast-paced, so you might have a better chance of passing the course online if the option is available.
  4. Use Rate My Professor! Instead of imaging how your professor is going to be, use rate my professor to have your mind at ease. Students grade the professors and tell their honest opinion about the classes and how they teach. If they meet your liking signup for their course (if they have a 4.0 Sign up quickly, chances are their classes fill up quickly).
  5. If you are brand new to the school, take about 15-30 minutes before your classes to find your classroom, chances are you don’t want to be that person that is walking in 10 minutes into the lecture! Save yourself the embarrassment and look for your classroom 15-30 minutes before class starts!
  6. Two Days before School starts, get into the habit of checking blackboard and checking your email. Chances are your syllabus is already up and that way you can buy your books and start reading before the class even starts!
  7. If you are new to the campus or don’t have any friends yet, join clubs or Organizations, and get to know your school!
  8. Studying: while studying, make sure you are reading and taking notes at the same time; this way you are able to retain information better. Making flash cards could also help.
  9. Find Study Partners! In your first week of class, try getting to know other students in your classroom too, it might be helpful to even exchange numbers, and have study sessions before a big test, and who knows if a friendship could develop!
  10. Use the free tutors on campus to your advantage! The free tutors are here to help make school a bit easier and help you understand the things that you don’t understand in your classroom.
  11. Get a routine going for yourself: Having a routine can be beneficial because it can help you stay organized and help you think a little bit smoother.