The MC parking garage lights up the night. (photo: Yuhua Guo)
Current State of Parking Garage
The new parking garage is open and at the moment only four floors are in current use. There are still kinks, as most brand new buildings have, but a lot of these issues will be resolved once the parking garage opens all their floors.

For starters, the elevator is not working yet, preventing people with physical disabilities from using it. According to Marcus Rosano, Director of Media and Public Relations, the elevators will begin working when the fire marshall and the city building inspector to grant approval. The school can open the garage with four floors, they do not need elevators for 4 floors. “By code, it is not a requirement to have an elevator for a four-level parking structure,” said Rosano.
Some floors are still blocked off because, at this time, the college has a temporary use and occupancy permit for use of levels 1 – 4, according to Rosano. “But we wanted to provide as many spaces to students, faculty, and staff as possible. This gives the college the use of 490 parking spaces.”

“The center bay of the garage in ninety-degree spaces due to the extra width of the bay to allow for two-way traffic. The rest of the structure is one-way traffic and the spaces are angled to help promote that fact since the bays are not wide enough to safely allow two-way traffic,” said Rosano. The school will also install a speeding limit and it will be 5 miles per hour, just like MC’s other campuses.
The removal of most parking from the street improves visibility for drivers and pedestrians. There are no plans for traffic lights on campus.