The Japanese Culture Club – MC Club Spotlight
November 21, 2016
The Japanese Culture Club is coming to Montgomery College. President John Bestland welcomes anyone with an interest in Japanese culture or history to come to their meeting on Monday, November 21st. Whether you’re interested in Nobunaga and his attempt to unify Japan in the 1500s, or you’ve just an insatiable love for “Baby Metal”, they hope that you’ll get involved and make new friends.
But what can one expect from a typical club meeting? For the remainder of this semester, Bestland hopes to grow the club and for its members to form strong bonds with each other. While there, he wants “to push Japanese culture on you as much as (he) can”.
Activities range from viewings of Japanese documentaries to party games like the “King’s Game”. Later, there are plans to get the club involved with a number of festivals and conventions. The Cherry Blossom Festival in D.C. and Katsucon at the National Harbor are just some of the places they want to take you.
If you’ve never really given much consideration to Japanese culture, Bestland offers two points. First, that Japanese food is “to die for”. When pressed for a recommendation, he suggests curry, but also says that “sushi is the way to go”.
He hopes that you’ll just give it a chance, because you’ll “never know what you’ll like”. With a history and culture that’s grown and evolved over hundreds of years, there’s bound to be something of interest for anyone.
The first club meeting is Monday, November 21, in the Science Center at room 204. The time is 5:30 to 6:00 PM. Subsequent meetings are every other Monday until after break, when the times change to Wednesdays every week from 2:00 to 4:00 PM.
If you have any questions, you can find the club’s contact info on Rockville campus’s public club listing. You can also visit the Student Life office and they’ll help connect you with club leadership.