Montgomery College will be having a student and alumni colloquium on April 27th from 1:00 to 4:00 PM on the Rockville campus. It will be held in the Science Center in room 151.
The Arab-American Heritage program sponsors the colloquium and it will be a chance to showcase issues related to Arabs and Arab Americans. The theme of the Colloquium is “Building a Culture of Respect: Enriching Minds, Engaging Hearts, Creating Global Community.”
Nada Babaa, a student working with the Arab American Heritage program, encourages students to visit and “learn more about middle eastern and Arab issues.” April is Arab American Heritage month and the colloquium will not be the only chance to learn about these issues, some of the upcoming events during the week of April 18th include a talk entitled “Addressing Islamophobia”, “Witness Aleppo”, and ” A Talk by Thomas W. Lippman”. All times and dates are on the photo below which is also available at the Arab American Heritage Month website.
Please attend and visit the colloquium on April 27th. Email Professor Elhanafi at [email protected] or visit for more information.