A wolf whistle and an over-dramatic head turn to check her out coupled with a screech demanding sex that very night.
A smack on a man’s butt, and an overly aggressive attempt at sexual endeavors proceeds, how is any of this attractive?
Recently, Maryland has passed House Bill 571 which according to the SpeakUpMC page requires “all higher education institutions in Maryland conduct a campus climate survey to evaluate the environment on campus.”
The survey will arrive Feb. 8th to MC and it is a step towards a future where sexual assault is laid in the open, strung dry and rotten, to a point where the idea of sexual assault should not even be a tempting idea to any.
“Our society normalizes and eroticizes sexual violence,”said Ellen Olmstead, English and Reading chair at TPSS campus. TV shows display these crude acts and turn it into the “hot” comedy section of the latest episode; sexual assault continues in endless waves and patience erodes without an end in sight.
The survey should demonstrate to the staff members of Montgomery College that a serious sexual assault issue does exist. “It should galvanize students to expect more from Montgomery College,”said Olmstead.
According to a survey, results provided by Schwartz-McKinzie, English professor at TPSS, “1 in 5 American women experience sexual assault” and “since then, many surveys, large and small, local and national (including a 2015 survey by the Association of American Universities of 150,000 students at 27 schools) have reproduced this figure.”
Sexual assault and any form of sexual harassment should be an open topic. If people are not able to talk about an issue so seemingly prevalent, then it makes the step forward that much more difficult.
By taking this survey, the prevalence of sexual assault will be laid out in the open. Results prove that there is a serious problem both to the student population and the staff members.
According to Maryland’s Attorney General, Doug Gansler, “while one in five women and one in sixteen men are sexually assaulted while they are in college,” few ever report what happened to them–or speak up and get help.
Learn more at http://cms.montgomerycollege.edu/SpeakUpMC/ and take the survey once it arrives. It is also a great service for people who are seeking information and support.