The American Film Institute Silver Spring will host movie nights featuring old films along with a post-show discussion. The event was organized by film Professor David Rothman.
“These movies are part of the American fabric,” said Rothman. “Movies give us a lexicon.”
Even those who wish to leave before the discussion are still encouraged to come to the various showings throughout March and April. (Bring your Student ID for a discount)
The post-movie discussions will consist of a brief history of the films, and an audience guided analysis. MC student, Suhailat Danawudu said, “Its better to have a discussion because everyone has their own opinion.”
The AFI theater dates back to 1938, and has been restored by its zealous community.
Given the history of the building, viewing old movies at AFI truly feels like you are stepping into the past. The theater even houses a small exhibit of costumes and posters from older films.
“The old movies are what we compare the new movies to,” said Rothman. These movies belong to our previous generations, yet still “impact how we act today,” said Rothman.
As Rothman puts it, the limited supplies and tools provided to create older films sparked creativity in ways such as, language. This enabled old films to develop differently than ones of today.
The upcoming shows (all begin at 6:30pm):
3/4 – Pretty Woman
3/11 – Casablanca
3/25 – Blade Runner
4/1 -The Night of the Hunter
4/8 -Rififi
4/15 – Sunset Boulevard