The restaurant in focus is one that has been around for a while: Honey Pig.

At Honey Pig, it’s not an all you can eat. they do it more restaurant style, but you also buy by the pound.
Their menu is very large, and unfortunately, the waiters did not give me enough time to read it. The restaurant is dark and dingy during the day because they put dance lights on at night.The upside of this restaurant is that they don’t charge for left over food. Instead, they offer take out.

If you are just getting into Korean food, then beef bulgogi is always the safe choice. Beef Bulgogi is a Korean delicacy that takes time to prepare; it’s salty and sweet, but it has just the right amount of tanginess that meat is supposed to have. A pound of bulgogi is a lot because the meat is heavy and they slice it up very thin like.
This beef bulgogi was cooked to perfection; not only was the sauce and seasoning right, but my first bite had just the right amount of perfect tenderness; it wasn’t too hard or annoying to chew. It was soft, sweet and just right.

When this restaurant cooks the bulgogi they have Fish body cut up next to it. The fish body does not sound appealing; but with added onions, garlic, jalapenos, and the right crisp, it becomes a tantalizing combo.

The sides helped give extra flavor too—the rice cake was my favorite because it was super spicy. When wrapped with the salad and bulgogi, it is a flavorful phenomenon!
Now because this place is expensive, I suggest going with a group of friends—that way you get more bang for your buck and they even have more specialties for that.

Between all three campuses, Iron Age (an all you can eat Korean BBQ place) and Honey Pig are the only two Korean BBQ joints within 12 minutes of campus. You will definitely spend less at Iron Age believe it or not (where dinner is 22.50 per person and, lunch is 16.50). But if you do want amazing bubble tea after your meal, then Honey Pig might be the entire package for you.

From the Rockville campus if you drive, on North Campus Drive, stay left to hit 270 N and take exit 13a. From Germantown campus, it’s in the Fox Chapel shopping center right around the corner.
If you take the bus, take the 55 to Germantown, get off at Middletown Road and walk north, the restaurant will be on your left-hand side.
All in all this restaurant deserves a 3 out of 5.